Previous symposia
March 2023 - Bonn, Germany
New Challenges - Archaeological Heritage Management and the Archaeology of the 18th to 20th centuries
March 2022 - Vienna, Austria and online event
Archaeology and the Natural Environment
July 2021 - online event
Climate Change and Archaeology​
March 2020 - Prague, Czech Republic
Archaeology and Public Benefit: moving the debate forward
February/March 2019 - Dublin, Ireland
Archaeological sites and monuments in the care of the state
March 2018 - Sofia, Bulgaria
Development-led archaeology in Europe
March 2017 - Athens, Greece
Dare to Choose - Making Choices in Archaeological Heritage Management
March 2016 – Brighton, United Kingdom
Digital Archaeological Heritage
March 2015 - Lisbon, Portugal
When Valletta meets Faro. The reality of European archaeology in the 21st century
March 2014 - Amersfoort, The Netherlands
Setting the Agenda: Giving new meaning to the European archaeological heritage
March 2013 - Saranda, Albania
The Valetta Convention: Twenty years After - Challenges for the future. 20th Anniversary of the Valetta Convention: Benefits, Problems, Challenges.
March 2012 - Paris, France
Perspectives on Public Awareness, Participation and Protection
March 2011 – Ename
Heritage reinvents Europe
March 2010 - Reykjavik
Remote sensing
March 2009 - Strasbourg, France
Black archaeology
March 2008 - Târgoviste, Romania
Listing archaeological sites, protecting the historical landscape
March 2007 - Metz
Archaeological Documentation: Sites, Archives and Finds after the Valetta Convention
March 2006 - Strasbourg
Archaeologists and the Landscape Convention
October 2005 - Roses
Prioritising and Selection of Fieldwork in the 21st century
March 2004 - Strasbourg
Archaeology and the Public
March 2003 - Berlin
The impact of agricultural policies on the management of the archaeological heritage
March 2002 - Strasbourg
Cultural Heritage & Environmental Impact – A sustainable approach to natural resources exploitation and archaeological resources management
March 2001 - Strasbourg
Cultural landscape and Sustainable Development
November 1999 - Strasbourg
Archaeological Heritage Management of Wetlands
Previous seminars
March 2021 - online event / webinar
Covid-19 & Archaeology in Europe​
March 2016 - Brighton, United Kingdom
Reports of the EAC Working Groups
March 2015 - Lisbon, Portugal
ARCHES and the EAC Archaeological Archiving Working Group : Revisiting Archiving Collections Management in Every Day Practice
March 2014 - Amersfoort, The Netherlands
Setting the Agenda: Giving new meaning to the European archaeological heritage
March 2013 - Saranda, Albania
In situ preservation: management and presentation
March 2012 - Paris, France
Reports of the EAC Working Groups
March 2011 - Ename, Belgium
Reports of the EAC Working Groups
March 2010 - Reykjavik, Iceland
Reports of the EAC Working Groups
March 2009 - Strasbourg, France
Presentation of results of the Valetta questionnaire and its relationship to CD-PATEP. A special programme marking the 10 year anniversary of the EAC and Reports of the EAC Working Groups.
March 2008 - Târgoviste, Romania
Presentation of the Faro Convention and Reports of the EAC Working Groups
March 2007 - Metz
Reports of the EAC Working Groups
March 2006 - Strasbourg
Presentation of the Water Framework
Directive and Reports of the EAC Working Group
October 2005 - Roses
Raising standards, different approaches to quality control
March 2004 - Strasbourg
Presentation of the French structure and system for Heritage management and Reports of the EAC Working Groups
March 2003 - Berlin
Integrating the archaeological Heritage in the development and implementation of major infrastructure projects