EAC 2021 Heritage Management Symposium
Climate Change and Archaeology
online event
You can watch the recordings of the symposium presentations via the virtual event platform.
If you haven't registered previously for the symposium, you can still do this HERE.
The 22nd EAC Heritage Symposium was held as an online event on 1 and 2 July 2021. The topic of the Heritage Management Symposium was ‘Climate Change and Archaeology’.
If you have registered for the symposium, you can now watch the recordings of the symposium presentations via the virtual event platform, using your log in credentials sent to you when you registered.
The 22nd EAC Symposium was held over two days (1 and 2 July 2021) and consisted of a number of presentation sessions followed by discussions – including questions and comments from the floor.
The detailed programme of the symposium and the collated abstracts of the symposium presentations can be found here, on the right.
You can access further information about the speakers and the symposium programme on the EAC 2021 Symposium website.
22nd Heritage Management Symposium "Climate Change and Archaeology”
Organized by Dr Ellen Vreenegoor, Coordinator of the Implementation Agenda for Climate Adaptation, Water Safety and Heritage at the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, and Dr Hannah Fluck, Head of Environmental Strategy at Historic England, UK
Thursday 1 July 2021
​DAY 1 (12:00 – 16:00 UK time; 13:00-17:00 CET; 14:00-18:00 EET)
12:00 – 12:10 Opening of the symposium – Barney Sloane, EAC President
12:10 – 12:25 Introduction to “Climate Change & Archaeology” – Hannah Fluck, EAC 2021 Scientific Coordinator
12:35 – 16:30 Session 1 - The impact of the climate crisis on the conservation of archaeological sites
Session chair and moderator: Kate Guest
14:55 – 15:55 Live Q&A Session and session 1 sum up
15:55 - 16:00 Closure of Day 1 – Barney Sloane, EAC President
Friday 2 July 2021
22nd Heritage Management Symposium (Day 2, Session 2 & 3)
(9:00 – 16:30 UK time; 10:00-17:30 CET; 11:00-18:30 EET)
9:00 – 12:00 UK time Session 2 – Archaeology, carbon mitigation and climate adaptation
Session chair and moderator: Marjolein Verschuur
11:00 – 12:00 Live Q&A session, Sum up and Closure of Session 2 - Marjolein Verschuur and Barney Sloane, EAC President
12:00 – 13:00 UK time - LUNCH BREAK
13:00 – 16:30 UK time Session 3 – The role archaeologist can play in communicating and engaging with climate change
Session chair and moderator: Hannah Fluck
15:30 -16:30 Live Q&A session, sum up and closure of session 3 and the symposium – Hannah Fluck & Barney Sloane, EAC President

​22nd Heritage Symposium
1-2 July 2021 Climate Change and Archaeology Heritage Symposium