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EAC guidelines

The Guidelines are created by the EAC's working groups – composed of EAC members and invited specialists – who come together to create resources to address issues which have been raised by members as areas of concern. The EAC guidelines provide advice that is applicable within a Europe-wide context.The first guidance was published by the Archaeological Archives working group (2014, 2021) and the Remote Sensing working group (2015). Both groups are publishing new guidance in 2024. 


In 2024, the EAC is also pleased to announce a further set of guidance, the result of the 'Making Choices' initiative, convened 2018-2020. The aim of this initiative was to enhance the implementation of the European Convention on the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage (European Treaty Series 143, known as the Valetta Convention), and to establish and publish common principles and guidelines to assist in the management of archaeological heritage, with particular regard to its relationship with land development activities across the European Union. Guidance produced by new working groups looking at the Public Benefit of Development-led Archaeology, Articulating Significance of Archaeological Sites and Developing National Research Frameworks are below. 


These guidelines would not be possible without the dedicated effort and expertise of the contributors to the EAC working groups, to whom the EAC is very grateful.


All EAC Guidelines are published/ archived via the repository Zenodo, and links to the digital downloads can be found below. 

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Public Benefit of
Development-led Archaeology
The Benefits of Development-led Archaeology

EAC Guidelines 4


The Benefits of Development-led Archaeology in Europe and Beyond

EAC Guidelines 5


Research Frameworks
The Value of Developing a Research Framework

EAC Guidelines 7


Developing Research Frameworks

EAC Guidelines 8

2024 forthcoming.

link not available yet
Screenshot 2023-07-19 at 14.19.57.png
Archaeological Archives
Revisiting the Valletta Convention for the Digital Age: Position statement on archiving primary archaeological data

EAC Guidelines 6


A Standard and Guide to Best Practice in Archaeological Archiving in Europe

EAC Guidelines 1


Also available in CZ, DE, FR, IS, NRL, PL, POR, SD.

Guidance on selection in archaeological archiving

EAC Guidelines 3


Also available in CZ, PL.

Remote Sensing
EAC Guidelines for the Use of Geophysics in Archaeology: Questions to Ask and Points to Consider

EAC Guidelines 2


The Use of Airborne Laser Scanning (Lidar) in Archaeology

EAC Guidelines 10

2024 forthcoming.

link not available yet
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Archaeological Significance

Articulating the Significance of Archaeological Sites

EAC Guidelines 9

2024 forthcoming.

link not available yet

In translation

EAC Guidelines 1


The Standard and Guide to Best Practice in Archaeological Archiving in Europe


The document is available in nine languages:



EAC Guidelines 3


EAC Guidance on selection in archaeological archiving.


The document is also available in Polish and Czech (so far):


Archaeological archive

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