The 25th EAC Annual Meeting took place at the Royal Library of Belgium, Brussels, Belgium, 21-23 March 2024. We celebrated our 25th anniversary!
Heritage Management Symposium
The 25th EAC Heritage Symposium was held on 21-22 March 2024. The theme was 'Urban Archaeology and the Cities of Tomorrow’.
The symposium was followed by an excursion on 23 March 2024.
The event was hosted by Urban.Brussels and was organized within the framework of the Belgian presidency of the Council of the European Union during the first semester of 2024. The scientific coordinators were Dr Jeroen Bouwmeester (Senior Archaeologist, Cultural Heritage Agency, The Netherlands) and Dr Koen De Groote (Heritage Researcher in Archaeology, Flanders Heritage Agency, Belgium).
Each year, the Symposium is open to all EAC members and interested colleagues. It is free of charge to attend but participants must register as numbers are limited.
The Concept Note and Programme has now been issued, and you can find it here:
Enquiries about the Heritage Management Symposium should be sent to​
General Assembly and Consilium
The EAC General Assembly and Consilium tookplace on Thursday 21 March (9:30am) 2024. Representatives from all EAC member organisations and invited observers joined us for the General Assembly, at which the EAC also celebrated its 25th anniversary.
Enquiries about the General Assembly should be sent to the EAC Assistant.
Key dates & info
16 October 2023 Call for Papers
7 November 2023 Registration
19 January 2024 Call for Papers closed
6 February 2024 Registration closed
21-23 March 2024 Annual Meeting
Venue – Royal Library of Belgium [KBR]

The Royal Library of Belgium is the national scientific library. It collects all Belgian publications and preserves, manages and studies an extensive cultural and historical heritage. It provides the public with access to information and facilitates research.

Hosts –
.jpg) is the Brussels Capital Region’s Administration for urban planning and heritage. It is responsible for managing renovation grants, implementing regional policy on urban planning, implementing regional policy on the conservation of moveable and immovable heritage and implementing regional policy on archaeological heritage. It also manages operational programmes such as the Neighbourhood Contracts / Sustainable Neighbourhoods and the Urban Policy.
Images © Brussels Museums [left] and Stijn Bollaert [right]