Annual meeting 2023
The 24th EAC Annual Meeting took place at the LVR LandesMuseum, Bonn, Germany 23-25 March 2023.
Heritage Management Symposium
The 24th EAC Heritage Symposium was held on 23-24 March 2023. The theme was 'New Challenges - Archaeological Heritage Management and the Archaeology of the 18th to 20th centuries'.
The symposium was followed by an excursion to the North Eifel ArchaeoRegion on 25 March 2023. The provisional timetable for the excursion can be downloaded on the right.
The event was hosted and organised by the LVR-State Service for Archaeological Heritage on behalf of the Association of State Archaeologists in the Federal Republic of Germany. The scientific coordinators are Dr Erich Claßen (LVR-State Service for Archaeological Heritage), Dr Alex Hale and Dr Rebecca Jones (Historic Environment Scotland), Dr Thomas Kersting (Brandenburgisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologisches Landesmuseum) and Dr Regina Smolnik (Archaeological Heritage Office of Saxony).
The Symposium is open to all EAC members and interested colleagues. It is free of charge to attend but participants must register as numbers are limited.
The Programme has now been issued, and you can find it here:
Enquiries about the Heritage Management Symposium should be sent to
General Assembly and Consilium
The EAC General Assembly and Consilium tookplace on Thursday 23 March (10am) 2023. It is open to representatives from all EAC member organisations and invited observers.
Enquiries about the General Assembly should be sent to the EAC Assistant.
Key dates & info
14 September 2022 Call for Papers open
16 December 2022 Call for Papers closed
5 February 2023 Registration closes
23-25 March 2023 Annual Meeting
Please note that a special discount rate has been arranged by our hosts at a hotel in Bonn- to take advantage this, please email the EAC Assistant for the booking form.
Venue – LVR LandesMuseum Bonn
The LVR-LandesMuseum Bonn is one of the oldest museums in Germany and can now look back on more than 200 years of eventful history. The museum collects and preserves the material historical evidence of the Rhineland: archaeological finds, paintings, sculptures, graphic art, arts and crafts and photography up to the present day. it is the central archive for archaeological finds from excavations in the Rhineland.
The museum’s permanent collection displays 400.000 years of history – ranging from the skeleton of the eponymous Neanderthal man and the gravestone of Marcus Caelius, who died in the Varus defeat, to a collection of contemporary art. The permanent exhibition is complemented by special exhibitions of wide ranging topics.
Landschaftsverband Rheinland (LVR)
The Landschaftsverband Rheinland (LVR) – The Rhineland Regional Council – operates as a local authority for the 9.7 million people in the Rhineland, with 41 schools, 10 clinics, 20 museums and cultural institutions, 4 youth welfare services, the State Youth Welfare Office and a Therapeutic Pedagogical Support Group. “Quality for people” is the LVR’s guiding principle. The 13 cities and the 12 districts in the Rhineland, plus the StädteRegion Aachen, are all member organisations of the LVR.

Hosts – LVR-State Service for Archaeological Heritage and the Association of State Archaeologists in the Federal Republic of Germany

In the LVR-State Service for Archaeological Heritage, a broad-based team is dedicated to recording, researching, preserving and communicating the archaeological and palaeontological heritage in the Rhineland (except the Cologne City area), based on the North Rhine-Westphalian Monument Protection Act. The organisation is responsible for the provision of advice and expert opinions within the framework of planning, approval and protection procedures, and works to raise awareness of archaeology and the preservation of archaeological monuments on site.
The Verband der Landesarchäologien in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e. V (Association of State Archaeologists in the Federal Republic of Germany) was founded in 1949 and is an association of representatives of the institutions entrusted with the tasks of archaeological heritage management in the respective laws of the federal states. The aim of the association is to offer the representatives a common platform for the exchange of experience and professional discussion on questions of archaeological heritage management.
Images on this page © LVR