Annual meetings
Archaeological sites and monuments in the care of the state
Sharing our experiences
The 20th Annual Meeting of the EAC was held at Dublin Castle between 28 February - 2 March 2019. The event was hosted and organised by the National Monuments Service (Ireland).
The Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht for Ireland, Josepha Madigan T.D. opened the Annual Symposium of the European Archaeological Council at Dublin Castle. In her opening address to the 20th Annual EAC Symposium, Minister Madigan spoke of the benefit of collaboration across Europe in developing correct approaches to heritage management.
Read more about it here.
The topic of the 20th Heritage Management Symposium was ‘Archaeological sites and monuments in the care of the state - sharing our experiences’.
The symposium was held over one and a half days (28 February and 1 March 2019) and consisted of a number of presentation sessions followed by discussions – including questions and comments from the floor.
Thursday 28 February 2019
9.00-11.00 - EAC Members Meeting (Consilium & General Assembly)
11.30-17.30 - Heritage Management Symposium (Day 1)
“Archaeological sites and monuments in the care of the state - sharing our experiences”
Organized by Chris Corlett, National Monuments Service, Ireland
19.30 - Welcome Reception & EAC birthday celebration
‘Throne Room’, Dublin Castle
Friday 1 March 2019
9.15-17.15 - Heritage Management Symposium (Day 2)
Saturday 2 March 2019
Excursion to Brú na Bóinne Visitor Centre, including Newgrange Neolithic passage tomb (UNESCO World Heritage Site)
Depart Dublin Castle at 9.30am, drop off Dublin airport at 17.30, return Dublin Castle at 18.30
Venue - Dublin Castle
The 2019 EAC Annual Meeting was held at the Hibernia Conference Centre, Dublin Castle, in the heart of the city centre. It is one of Dublin’s most historic properties, which from 1204 until 1922 was the seat of English, and later British rule in Ireland. Built on top of earlier Viking settlement, the castle was gutted by fire in the 17th century after which it was rebuilt as a Georgian palace. It is managed by the Irish Government’s Office of Public Works.

​20th Annual Meeting
28 February - 2 March 2019 (Dublin, Ireland)