Annual meetings
The Valetta Convention: Twenty years After
Challenges for the future. 20th Anniversary of the Valetta Convention: Benefits, Problems, Challenges.
EAC Heritage Management Seminar: In situ preservation: management and presentation
Preliminary programme
21st March 2013
EAC General Assembly. Closed session for EAC members.
(9:30-12:30, 21st March 2013, Butrint - Archaeological Park) -
EAC Heritage Management Seminar (13:30-17:30)
(9:00-18:00, 22nd March 2013, Saranda - Hotel Butrinti)
14th EAC Heritage Management Symposium (9:00-18:00, 22nd March 2013, Saranda - Hotel Butrinti)
Excursion: "Blue Eye" National Park and Gjirokastra UNESCO World Heritage site (9:00-15:00, 23rd March 2013)
Poster Session (9:30-17:30, 21st March 2013, Butrint - Archaeological Park)​

​14th annual meeting
March 21-23, 2013
Saranda-Butrint, Albania
Publication of EAC seminars
March 2013 - Saranda, Albania
In situ preservation: management and presentation Poster Session
In situ preservation: management and presentation