Annual meetings
Remote Sensing
This symposium will examine Remote Sensing for Archaeological Heritage Management at the start of the 21st century. The key themes to be explored will be: the registration of monuments; the creation of reliable monuments records; approaches to large-scale mapping; monitoring and management of monument condition; and applications of historic imagery.
Well-established approaches and techniques will be set alongside new technologies and data-sources, with discussion covering relative merits and applicability. Approaches to be considered will include aerial photography, both modern and historic, LiDAR, satellite imagery, multi-and hyper-spectral data, sonar and geophysical survey. Both terrestrial and maritime contexts will be addressed.
Organised by:
Dave Cowley (AARG/RCAHMS)
Kristín Huld Sigurðardóttir (EAC/The Archaeological Heritage Agency of Iceland)

​11th annual meeting
March 25-27 March, 2010
Reykjavik, Iceland