Annual meetings
10th Heritage management symposium Black arhaeology. Who steals our Past? Europe's Archaeological Heritage under Threat organised by Jürgen Kunow and Friedrich Lüth was held at the Palais de l'Europe.
Again and again spectacular discoveries are reported in the news, some of them destined to be fought over in criminal courts. Among the many examples is the famous moon-disc from Nebra in central Germany, looted by amateurs and bartered through Europe passing several Shengen and non-Shengen borders, and finally ending up at the Archaeological State Museum in Halle/Saale. Other finds are regularly reported from the seas and oceans of the world, being looted by specialised companies that are funded by shareholders expecting gigantic financial profits.
The proceedings of the symposium will be published in our series of occasional papers.
On 12th EAC celebrated it's 10th anniversary.
13th Closed session for EAC members and heritage management seminar
14th Excursion

​10th annual meeting
March 11-14, 2009
Strasbourgh, France