Annual meeting 2022

EAC General Assembly & Consilium
The EAC General Assembly 2022 took place on 24 March 2022 at the Natural History Museum, Vienna.
Symposium: Archaeology and the Natural Environment
The 23rd EAC Heritage Symposium was held on 24-25 March 2022 in Vienna, Austria. The event was hosted and organised by the Federal Monuments Authority Austria (Bundesdenkmalamt), Department of Archaeology and the Natural History Museum, Vienna. The topic of the Heritage Management Symposium was ‘Archaeology and the Natural Environment’.
The presentations are available on the Natural History Museum's youtube channel:
EAC Heritage Management Symposium March 24, 2022:
EAC Heritage Management Symposium March 25, 2022:
VENUE – Natural History Museum, Vienna
The symposium was held in the Natural History Museum Vienna, in the heart of the city centre (Maria-Theresien-Platz, 1010 Wien). With around 30 million objects in its collection, the Natural History Museum in Vienna (NHM) is one of the most important natural history museums in the world and one of the largest museums in Austria. Among other things, the museum is home to Austria's most significant prehistoric collection and one of the most important research facilities.
The Natural History Museum and the Museum of Fine Arts were commissioned by Emperor Franz Joseph I (1830–1916) and opened in 1889. They have identical exteriors and face each other. The façade, designed by Gottfried Semper, shows figures and statues representing progress in the field of natural sciences and the power of nature. Below the dome, the imperial dedication in golden letters reads: “To the realm of nature and its exploration”.
Image © Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Kurt Kracher

​23rd Annual Meeting
24 March 2022, 9 - 11am, EAC Consilium and General Assembly, Natural History Museum, Vienna, Austria
24-26 March 2022, Archaeology and the Natural Environment Heritage Symposium (Natural History Museum, Vienna, Austria)

Federal Monuments Authority Austria (Bundesdenkmalamt)
The Federal Monuments Authority Austria protects and maintains the material cultural heritage of Austria and demonstrates the social importance of this task. It is the professional body that protects the cultural heritage of Austria by law and assumes the responsibility for the preservation of the monuments. It is not only a professional authority but also a service agency that spreads the necessary historical and technological knowledge and strives to be open to requests and suggestions. The primary aim is to preserve in an authentic and undiminished way cultural heritage which is an irreplaceable capital for the future.
The Department of Archaeology protects, manages, undertakes research, and documents Austria's archaeological heritage. An area supervisor is available for inquiries, applications and reports of findings in every federal state. They also provide information on all questions relating to the protection of archaeological monuments and archaeological preservation.