EAC contacts
President: Ann Degraeve
Head of Department of Archaeology
Cultural Heritage
E-mail: adegraeve[a]urban.brussels
Please direct enquiries to the EAC Assistant Jenni Butterworth
Official address of the EAC
p/a Urban.brussels
Mont des Arts 10-13
1000 Bruxelles
EAC Charity (​AISBL) Registration No: 0472502440
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About EAC
The primary mission of the Europae Archaeologiae Consilium is to support the management of the archaeological heritage throughout Europe and to serve the needs of national archaeological heritage management agencies by providing a forum for organisations to establish closer and more structured co-operation and exchange of information.
Membership of the Council is open to all national bodies charged with the management of the archaeological heritage throughout Europe, including where appropriate agencies in a federal context (e.g. German Länder, Swiss Cantons, Spanish autonomous regions etc).
Membership is corporate rather than individual and subscriptions will follow the contribution system employed by the Council of Europe.
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